No MuseumOctober 7–10, 2021 – free admission!

Event for teenagers and young adults between 14 and 24 years
What is art? How can you interact with art? What is a museum, and what might it yet be? And who actually goes to the museum? These are the questions that the collective Crèmbach probes in its intervention "Crèmbachhaus. No Museum," which takes over the entire Kunstbau for three days. Crèmbach is the Lenbachhaus's youth committee and dedicated to dialing up the volume on young people in culture. The collective's programming establishes a space where they can meet, explore diversity, and get creative.
During the takeover, the collective and invited artists and other guests develop ideas for tomorrow's art museum. Join us at the Kunstbau to take a look at their proposals and get involved. Take part in conversations with the members on nondiscriminatory language in art or reflect on the sustainability of the art system. Participate in workshops to learn what it means to collectively weave a carpet and which possibilities upcycling can open up for artists. The "Crèmbachhaus" invites you to perceive art with all your senses—you'll be surprised by how physical the art experience can be. You're definitely welcome to listen to music in the exhibition space, and to laugh out loud when something is funny. Art is powerful—so we've designated various corners throughout the Kunstbau for chilling, with comfortable lounge furniture if you want to take a break and process all those impressions. Stop by, dance or hang out with us, admission is free!
The takeover opens with an event on Thu, October 7, 2021, from 5 to 8pm.
Program schedule:
Thu, October 7
5 – 8 pm Opening
5 – 6 pm What do you would like to happen at the museum? Visitor dialogue
5 – 7 pm Participatory workshops (portrait, punch-needle, screen printing, sculpture from packaging chips, textile, mural painting)
Fri, October 8 – Opening hours: 12 am – 8 pm
4 – 6 pm What do you would like to happen at the museum? Visitor dialogue
5 – 8 pm Participatory workshops (portrait, punch-needle, screen printing, sculpture from packaging chips, mural painting)
Sat, October 9 – Opening hours: 12 am – 12 pm
2 – 3 pm Young Perspectives at the Museum. Talk with the youth committees Achtet Alis MB, Futur III and JuGroBa
3 – 6 pm Participatory workshops (portrait, punch-needle, screen printing, sculpture from packaging chips, mural painting)
3 – 5 pm Out with your fears, into the fabric! Textile workshop
4 – 6 pm What do you would like to happen at the museum? Visitor dialogue
7.30 – 11.30 pm Good Night Crème with the musicians Lavie, Motalamon, Linus, Delirium, Dr. Edgar, bdb and DJ Spiderman
Sun, October 10 – Opening hours: 12 am – 8 pm
1 – 6 pm Participatory workshops (portrait, punch-needle, screen printing, sculpture from packaging chips, mural painting)
2.30 – 3.30 pm Conversation with the media collective IGNIS. More information at the Instagram account of IGNIS: @ignis.aux
3 – 5 pm Get out your fears, get into the fabric! Textile workshop
4 – 6 pm What do you would like to happen at the museum? Visitor dialogue
5 – 7 pm Surprise act
Stay tuned and follow the collective on Instagram @kollektiv.crembach