"Digital Crèmbach" is a digital space of Kollektiv Crèmbach in the Collaboratory – the new digital open space of the Lenbachhaus. Over the past year, members of Kollektiv Crèmbach, the youth committee at the Lenbachhaus, have worked with Stephanie Marie Cedeño to develop four playful interactions. The small applications invite us to think about how we interact with each other in everyday life – online or offline. The contributions were developed together with critical design methods in co-creation sessions.
Be there when the designers present their ideas and guide you through the Collaboratory!
The event will be held in English and German.
We will meet in Zoom and then go to the Collaboratory together.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting-ID: 946 3704 3381
Kenncode: 283903
No advance registration is required for the event.
The Collaboratory works best on a PC or laptop with a Google Chrome browser.